sputter facility for thin film deposition

Welcome to IFW Dresden

We explore the physics and chemistry of new materials. Our aim is to generate new fundamental knowledge and innovations. New materials are necessary to store information in a better way and to transmit it faster, to filter waves of specific frequency, to shield magnetic fields, to convert heat into electricity or to store energy. These processes take place at the level of molecules, atoms and electrons and are determined by the laws of quantum physics. At IFW Dresden, we investigate these physical laws and develop materials with better or completely new functions.

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Ein Mann in grünem Pullover steht im Innenhof des IFW Dresden. Hinter ihm die Glasfassaden und der Innenhof des Leibniz-Instituts für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden.


Rudi Hackl becomes 2024 APS Fellow and Outstanding Referee

Congratulations to Rudi Hackl on both accounts

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Menschen sitzen in einem Seminarraum. Vorn steht ein Dozent und trägt eine Präsentation vor.


European Society of Thin Films visits IFW Dresden

Industry and research come together at fall meeting

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Gruppe von Männern und Frauen auf einer Treppe


Czech-German cooperation for binational doctorates

Expansion of neighborly cooperation

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IFW Institutes

Institute for Emerging Electronic Technologies

Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzof

Emerging semiconductor materials, integration into novel optoelectronic devices, sustainable photovoltaic devices

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Institute for Metallic Materials

Prof. Dr. Kornelius Nielsch

Thermoelectric, magnetic and superconducting materials, functional thin films, metal physics

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Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics

Prof. Dr. Jeroen van den Brink

Theoretical aspects of condensed matter physics and materials science.

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Institute for Solid State Research

Prof. Dr. Bernd Büchner

Material-oriented experimental solid state physics with a special focus on quantum materials and nanoscale substances.

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Institute for Materials Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Anjana Devi

The IMC does research on chemistry of functional materials with focus on nanoscale and 2D materials, structural analysis and alloy design and processing.

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Information for you


Five IFW institutes combine their experience in our research program. Are you looking for latest publications or searching for a certain topic or group? Here you find further information.   

Research at IFW

Offers for visitors

We offer guided labtours for registered visitors in small groups. Our target group are high schoool students keen on physic, chemistry and engineering.  

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Career & Training

You want to work at the IFW Dresden? Here you can find our current job offers, vocational trainings and the PhD positions.

Job offers


About 500 people work at IFW. You want to know whom to adress? Here you find a list of contact persons.

Contact persons